Arriving back at the movie Spiderman Marvel Studios company once controlled by the company Sony Pictures, indeed many fundamental changes in the franchise issue (franchise) Spiderman superhero movie. The movie spider man who is very famous with the white nets have reportedly moves will start with the beginning of the latest result of the main actor Andrew Garfield already will no longer be a character actor Spidey.
Online Empire spread if the latest sequel of Spiderman present in the shade of the company Marvel is reportedly about to be released about the upcoming July 28, 2017, will be more highlight the problems of human life from the spider in adulthood.
Media First Showing said, in it for the candidates of the major players Spiderman turns out there name Iko Uwais. are included in one of the candidate list of the actors cast Spiderman. The reason for Iko Uwais does have a powerful ability to issue bergennre action films that have made a name Iko Uwais deserve to be the main character of Spiderman.
"Uwais very charismatic. Problem problems appearances little geek He also has the aura of a super hero. He also is able to act comedy, drama, especially if the acting game, he masters. If indeed Iko Uwais in her costume Spiderman certainly cool and very enthusiastic. He may be old, now 32 years old, but still looks young still also very suitable if it becomes cast Spidermant, "Anderton wrote in an editorial review in the magazine First Showing.