Users of social media amid excited talk about a photograph circulating in cyberspace. In the photos it looks politician Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Mahfudz Siddiq, took a former member of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), Agatha Lily.
Netizens call that is Mahfouz wedding photos with Agatha. The news circulating mention their wedding was held at a luxury hotel in South Jakarta.In the photos it looks Mahfouz wearing a white shirt covered with black suits, and hats. Meanwhile, Agatha wearing dresses all in white. They were accompanied by a number of people, who lined up on the right and left.
At the rear there is a white upholstered seating with flower arrangements in tow. Similar to the aisle, with a backdrop of brown color.
If this photo is really a marriage Mahfouz with Agatha, then this becomes the third marriage for Mahfouz, and a first for Agatha.