Pose Revi Mariska

Mariska Revi name suddenly became a byword public homeland. Not without reason, it was all because the player is suddenly Angling Darma often upload photos and videos of hot flirting in Instagramnya account. Revi still a mystery why such desperate action. However, in line with the various rumors and assumptions emerged that allegedly triggered the change in Revi become more daring to spit her beauty. Of all the rumors emerged, Revi allegedly changed because he left the marriage by Temmy Rihadi. Revi allegedly heartbroken that he was stressed and disoriented. Feeling cornered one of his artists, the production house that houses Revi, Genta Buana Paramita go to vote. Through his Twitter account, Genta Buana Paramita denied if Revi so crazy after left Temmy.

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